Lawyer Referrals
Locating an Employment Attorney to Assist You in Filing a Lawsuit
Upon request, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) offices can provide you with a list of local attorneys who have indicated to EEOC they specialize in labor and employment law; the EEOC does not make specific recommendations.
The following organizations also provide directories of attorneys who represent workers if you are considering filing a lawsuit:
American Bar Association -
A Lawyer Referral Directory of Services of the American Bar Association organized by state and by legal issue.
National Employment Lawyers Association -
NELA is a national professional organization of attorneys who represent employees in employment law cases.
Workplace Fairness -
The Workplace Fairness Attorney Directory features lawyers from across the United States who primarily represent workers in employment cases.
Additionally, DIG shares this list of lawyer referrals as a public resource provided by the EEOC. Both DIG and the EEOC do not endorse these lawyers. This resource is open to the public:
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